Progress Update After 4 Days

So for a bit of an overall status update after 4 days of being on Joylent (+1 regular meal on day 2).

  • I’m not farting toxic gas like some people get, farting a little more than usual but for the most part is odourless.
  • I’m not pooping much yet… this is normal for me and I’m really hoping that Joylent changes this when my body adjusts.
  • The red patches that were on my face went after day 1 are still gone! (major win number 1)
  • The skin on my hands is much softer than it was, I usually have a general rough dry feel to the palms of my hands, this is pretty much gone and my hands feel a lot smoother.
  • Psoriasis is still as it was on day 1, however 4 days is no way near a long enough time for any change in the status of that, I’ll update at day 10 with pictures. (it usually takes around 2-4 weeks to see any change in regards to it going away, if I’m lucky enough for it to be going away, which doesn’t really happen anymore…i pretty much always have it)
  • I’m not having big highs and lows in my mood anymore, my mood seems to be a lot more linear, I’m not overly bubbly and happy (which is normal for me anyways), but I’m not crashing either. When I was stressed the last few days I should have crashed hard after that, it didn’t happen. I was frustrated, but no mental crash! (major win number 2)
  • I’ve noticed my sweat doesn’t have as much of a scent to it as usual, not that I get really stinky sweat coming from my arm pits, but it just seems to have less of an odour now.
  • I don’t think at this stage I can eat any more than half a bag without having to force it down, maybe this will change but for now I’m happy to just eat what I feel I need. I AM DRINKING A FAIR BIT OF EXTRA WATER THOUGH..I think this is important.
  • I’m urinating a lot less frequently than when I started. Before I went on Joylent I would pee a LOT, sometimes several times an hour and a lot of the time it would just be a little bit and that’s it, sometimes I had a hard time getting a steady stream going as well. I find now that I go less and when I do go I get a steady stream and it goes for longer now. I guess I feel a bit more normal the way I go now. (I’ve had my prostate checked, no I don’t have any problems with it, i just pee a lot). Not a huge thing but definitely something I noticed.
  • Im amazed at how my appetite for feeling like I’m hungry and need food is switched off on Joylent. I know I talked about craving pizza, but that was purely mental, my body didn’t actually say it needed food, it said it wanted a sweet sugar hit. Normally I would be feeling like I really need food and I’m lacking food in my body, even after I’d just eaten I would get that feeling and have a big appetite, not anymore. It’s gone quite the opposite.

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